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Author page: Jake

How to Perfect Your Marketing Resume

If you want to have a resume that will attract potential employers, you'll need to make sure that you have all the right elements. This includes personalizing your resume, showing off your work history, and quantifying your success. Quantify your success Putting numbers next to your accomplishments is one of the most important things you…

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YouTube News & Events

YouTube News & Events is a great way to stay in touch with what's going on with your favorite channels. There's always something new coming out, or old stuff you might have missed. Whether you're looking for the latest on the right-leaning vs. left-leaning channel battle or you just want to find out what's going…

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How to Become a Vampire

Becoming a vampire is not something that can be done overnight. To become a vampire, you have to go through a series of steps and meet specific requirements and responsibilities. The information in this article will help you understand the steps to becoming a vampire. Obligations of a vampire Among the plethora of Kuei-jin disciplines,…

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Promote your webinars

Webinars are a great way to share useful content with your target audience. They are also an excellent complement to social media marketing strategies. A webinar is a live video presentation in which one or more presenters show slides with information related to the topic. Webinars usually require more preparation than regular online courses, but…

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